You can always use a tad more blues

LIttle B Weevil at the Blues Music Awards

Little G Weevil a fine acoustic blues guitarist performs at the 2014 Blues Music Awards. Since the video guys in both local corners of the picture contributed mightily to the drama, I included them in the shot. Little G was a nominee for Acoustic Artist of the Year.

More Blues Music Awards pictures

Doug McLeod

Click the pic to see Doug McLeod in the chair and on the big screen

For Blues fans, yours truly included, it is hard to be inundated with too much Blues. Given that theory, we are continuing to look at the Blues Music Award this week. We also did more Blues at our sister site, the Photo of the Week Page at Corndancer dot com. You’ll find a couple of pictures of some legendary blues performers and some headed in that direction.

The event video crew is world class and despite the fact that crew members show up in our viewfinders far more that we like, we are great admirers of the their technical prowess and deep creative skills. The dramatic images they put on the big screens are great photo-fodder — especially when you can put the performer in front of the screen. The next two images show you why.

Guitarist Rory Block

Energetic guitarist Rory Block looms larger than life behind herself.

Beth Hart at keyboard

Just watching Beth Hart work out on the keyboard increased one’s heart rate. There’s so much energy there, it is surprising she is not subject to federal regulation.

Guitarist for Brandon Santini

This is the lead guitarist for Brandon Santini, a Memphis harp player. Unfortunately, I do not have the picker’s name. Wish I did. He was all over the stage like a spider and never missed a lick.

LIttle G Weevil's guitar

LIttle G Weevil’s guitar is showing some wear, which apparently has nothing to do with the sound. In fact, the exterior probably signals “improvement with age,” a message I occasionally impart. (Heh-heh!)

The Four Fabs, Beatles Tribute Band

Closer to home, these are the Four Fabs, a Beatles Tribute group, on-stage at the newly restored Community Theatre in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

There you have it. Another visual dose of the Blues. I trust the imagery imparts the energy.

Be sure and check out our Blues Music Awards Galleries:

Gallery 1, ¦ Gallery 2, ¦ Gallery 3, ¦  Gallery 4

Thanks for dropping by,

Joe Dempsey
Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind


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