About Weekly Grist

In August 2007 my good friend, Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles asked me if I would furnish a “Picture of the Week” to his newly retooled site, corndancer dot com. There was never any doubt that I would do it, but I told him at the time I that I would take a trip through the site and let him know. Call it due diligence or plain cussedness, but I quickly agreed. It seemed like the right thing to do. I had provided some pictures and verbiage to Eb for earlier permutations of the site with good experience. When it comes to web sites, Eb is a string saver. All of the earlier posts are still on the site.

I selected the first picture and sent it to Eb. After I sent it, it occurred to me that there was story behind the picture. In fact, there is a story behind every picture. More often than not, the stories are piqued by questions the picture raises. This was certainly the case in the first post.  Given that most of us are curious creatures, this is the tack I chose for that story and many subsequent posts.

So I gave Eb a call and asked him if he wanted the story behind the picture. Unlike me, he showed no reticence or cussedness and immediately informed me that my commentary was welcome. So I composed the tale and sent it to him.

He posted the story and picture on a Sunday night and there was an email from him Monday morning with a link to the Corndancer Picture of the Week. I proceeded to forward the link to a few friends and did the same thing the next week. I began to get some positive feedback.

Spurred by this encouragement,  I decided to create a list of recipients for the Monday morning links and used the subject line “Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.” We generally try to keep the Corndancer Photo of the Week articles in the 4-500 word range. That’s what folks seem to like. We also hold the pictures down to three or on rare occasions four.

In September of 2008, I cranked up and launched the blog. I discovered that there were some readers who relished the thought of additional story information and pictures. That discovery precipitated creation of this blog. For the most part, it picks up where the Corndancer Photo of the Week leaves off, but not always. This blog is now hit by 1,200  to 1,600 unique visitors per month. The Corndancer Photo of the Week usually racks up a few more unique visitors monthly. We are honored by your attention.

Readers are forwarding the weekly link to their friends and now Weekly Grist read by hundreds of  people around the globe each week. For that I am grateful. If you or any of your friends want to be added to the Weekly Grist distribution list, send me an email and I will make the addition. Know that this list is only for distribution of the link. I send to an “undisclosed list.” I will never provide this list to anyone else, I respect your privacy.

Eb is a gifted writer with an imagination in size and strength comparable to the Australian outback. He does a few edits on each story. He also writes a number of the headlines when my imagination fails to come up with one. He wrote the first headline for the first post. It was and is good. See pictures and learn more about Ebenezer here.


Joe Dempsey

17 Responses

  1. Great website for beginning writers and future thinkers! Thank you for stirring the mental and creative juices!

  2. Love the photos ! Would like ro receive weekly posts. Thamks

  3. […] Joe, a photographer from Arkansas, who Sunday journeys through rural Arkansas, brought together nature […]

  4. Came over from Frank’s – well worth the trip. Enjoyed touring your blog

  5. Loved this!! Please put me on the list!! Thanks!!

  6. Delighted to see your wit and wisdom continues to grow. Sign me up. If you have a cure for smoke and mirror disease add that, too …. because politics is not like it was when we teamed up with Big John in my Washington days. BWhit

    • Buddy, absolutely great to hear from you, a good friend, a political sage and legend, and the dude that introduced me to baklava!

  7. I have a picture of a memorial with my grandparents and dad in front of it. I was searching the internet and came across your post and picture from 10/14/2012. It had the location of the memorial where the picture was taken.

    Thanks for the posting.

  8. I was delighted to find your post today and to see the Saline River, where I learned to swim. Sadly, I had to leave my lifetime home in Benton a few years ago but your post gave me a lift that I would like to have repeated on a weekly basis. Please sign me up!

    • Katheryn, I try to get a new post out every week along with the Corndancer page. I send notifications of the posts via email. If you want to send me yours I will add you to the list. Otherwise click on follow and each time I do a new post, WordPress will notify you. Thanks for looking.

  9. I was looking up the Marks Mill Battle and found your pictures and story. Loved it and got my ol heart ah’pumping. I have missed the last 20 or maybe 30 Marks Reunions, but my mother still makes most all of them (she is one of the Marks). I grew up at those reunions and had mason jars of ol mini and musket balls that would wash into view along the ditches after hard rains not too far from where the cemetery (but that was years and years ago 50-60’s) Thank you for the memories and I am going next year to the reunion and I think I will drive over next week just to revisit the area.

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