Meandering through the Delta (again)

The supply of stuff to see in the Delta never seems to run dry. Well, from a tongue-in-cheek standpoint, right now, at 18-24″ or so of rain over average, depending on where you are, precious little in the Delta is “running dry.” As our trip progresses, we actually leave the Delta, but you can’t tell from lookoing.

Weather comments notwithstanding, in this edition of Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind, we again meander around the Delta, seeing stuff. The trip started through a tunnel of pecans trees south of Scott, Arkansas. Click here to see two pictures of the tunnel and get in on the start of the story on the Photo of the Week page at Corndancer do com.

The big house

What’s left of the “big” house on the Tucker Plantation, Tucker, Arkansas.

Families lived here, deals were struck here and a large farming operation was once managed from this formerly imposing residence. The Tucker Plantation, at Tucker, Arkansas was established in 1871 according to local signage.


In the rich soil of the Delta, vines are “happy in their work.” The second floor window would have been to a bedroom, if the floor plan was typical of the day.

Typical of farming operations in the day, there was a store and gin which were part of the plantation. The farming part of the operation continues. The residential, retail and ginning parts are things of the past. The model of economic growth for the last half of the twentieth century, and continuing to the 21st seems to summarily jettison “outmoded” entities and let them die on the vine rather than devote resources to a proper burial. Not de jure, but de facto.

rail cars

Rail cars on permanent display in down town Lonoke, Arkansas.

Further to the north at Lonoke, Arkansas local organizations have acquired a couple of rail cars which provide a colorful addition to the downtown area of the city. The former depot has also been nicely restored.

stecks 1932

I was unable to get any information on the Stecks building past an obituary for Carl Stecks who moved his family to the farm in 1932.

Northwest of Scott, Arkansas on Bearskin Lake Road, you’ll find this old building which has the appearance of a store of the era indicated by the date on the sign. An obituary for Mr. Carl Stecks says he moved his family to this location in 1932. It further indicated that Mr. Stecks was an innovative and energetic individual.

trees in water at humnoke

Depending on your point of view, the tree trucks you see, appearing like feet on a George Lucas animation are actually trees in a small body of water at Humnoke, Arkansas. The trees and the water abut the highway on both sides for 75 to 100 yards, or so.

The waterlines on the trees above tell the story. It’s been a bunch higher than it now is. Give the current circumstances, probably not long ago,

And finally,

After many years and miles of running about with a camera, I finally manged to get stuck. The truck was “high-centered” after I misjudged backing up in an attempt to turn around. There was foreboding water ahead I had no intention of testing even though the truck has a very respectable fording depth,

joe in ditch

When a vehicle is “high-centered,” the four wheel drive is about as useful as wings on a pig.

Fortunately, there was a residence just up the road from the site of my temporary insanity. I set out on a short stroll northward. When I knocked on the door and explained to Carolyn Underwood what my problem was, she put me in her SUV and started a search for someone with a chain. The first person she asked, Bobby Peoples, had a chain and was willing to help unstick the truck. He recruited Gerrel Peoples. Carolyn led us all to the tractor which had a grain cart attached.

The Peoples quickly detached the grain cart and headed for the stuck truck. They attached the chain and set about to do the deed. Pulling the truck from the ditch was light work for the massive John Deere tractor.

My newfound friends steadfastly refused compensation for their services and sent me on the way with their best wishes. Life is good and full of rich experiences, some of which are brought about by temporarily imposed adverse circumstances. These circumstances like most adverse circumstances were self-imposed.  Fortunately, there are still good people around who will unhesitatingly jump to your rescue . I stuck a pickup in the big middle of a bunch of ’em. All’s well that ends well.

Thanks for dropping by,
Joe Dempsey
Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.

4 Responses

  1. This post took me through a range of thoughts. While wondering about the peak life on the Tucker Planation and main house’s activity, my mind changed gears when seeing the “Stecks 1932” sign and wondering if it was a Moon Pies and RC kind of place.

    But then, a quick change of gears to the trees in the water and images of the Ewoks zooming though the forest without hitting them … which is a totally different thought that the tree tunnel on Corndancer … and I wouldn’t have ever guess Pecan trees.

    But to top it all, the goodness of the people who helped you and your stuck truck simply because that’s what people are to do. Ah yes … there is hope for mankind.

  2. Frank, it was a potpourri of a trip and I could not settle on one subject. So, the shot gun blast approach.

  3. […] more about this trip on our original post which included some restored rail cars, an old store, a neat growth of cypress with a highway […]

  4. […] I also found an article by another gentleman who spotted this building in the middle of nowhere. Meandering through the Delta (again) | Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind Some of the roads were pretty messed up in this area but the NCX did great. Lots of uneven […]

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