Fall, falling down, and ferrous oxide redux

This is a '54 Oldsmobile which could burn some serious rubber back in the day. Click on the care to see our original post with the car.

This is a ’54 Oldsmobile which could burn some serious rubber back in the day. Click on the care to see our original post and which includes another shot of the old Olds.

Back in November of 2011, we set out on an adventure from Heber Springs, Arkansas, generally northwest, south and northeast back to Heber Springs. That neck of the woods is generally ripe with fine photo fodder manifested as tattered artifacts of a bygone rural culture.

We  were not disappointed. Our suspicions were true and we and saw a fine collection of old cars, old barns, and a lot of other neat stuff you stumble across “out in the country.” We ogled a fleet of rusting 50s automobiles, a three-legged tractor, a side hill barn and more.

collapsing corn crib

Click on the collapsing corn crib to see our original story and pictures.

This week we are sending you back to our  original 2011 post, to the corresponding Corndancer dot-com article and to a photo gallery that lets you see all of the pictures from that trip in one fell swoop.

I did add one shot to the story and gallery that originated closer to home here in Pine Bluff, an old Chevy bob-truck.

I had eye-balled that truck for years and finally decided to shoot it as a part of this epistle. Though the geography was off by 80 or 90 miles or so, the subject matter was spot on. When you see it, I am sure you will agree. The truck was brand spanking new when I was no more than three years old.

Thanks for dropping by,

Joe Dempsey

Weekly Grist for the Eyes and Mind.
